
The Top Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Myths - Part II

By Wolfgang Jaegel and Gregory Smyth

SEO Myth: The more times you repeat the keyword in the page, the higher it will rank.

Fact: This is a little tricky since each search engines algorithm uses different factors for ranking. A keyword density of between 3 to 15% is recommended for higher placement depending on the individual search engine, keyphrase and competition. Combined with other optimization efforts - especially off-site optimization - the proper keyword density will improve rankings. However a keyword density that is too high will get penalized.

SEO Myth: The more reciprocal links to other sites, the higher your Google page rank.
Fact: Outbound links to related and unrelated sites are factored into page rank. Unreciprocated links (one way links) count higher than reciprocated links. The more quality inbound links to your site, the higher the page rank but no one knows exactly how Google factors their page rank and their algorithm is constantly adjusted. Because of the massive abuse of reciprocal linking and the reciprocal link "hype" Google devaluates reciprocated links. A massive number of links to and from unrelated sites will even drop your page rank and even worse, if your site is found linking to obvious link farms, your site could be penalized or even banned.

SEO Myth: Instant Link Popularity - Guaranteed!
Fact: Anyone who promises link popularity right away is spamming search engines and using artificial link building techniques. In all likelihood, SEO firms that promise instantaneous results build link farms to artificially inflate link popularity. Results generated by link farming are short-lived. Search engines will discover the link farms and/or other artificial techniques and promptly remove the site using them. Always keep in mind, quality link building takes time.

SEO Myth: Permanent Search Engine Positions
Fact: There's no such thing as a permanent top positions. Positioning and traffic fluctuations are perfectly normal. New pages with unique content are added to the Web all the time. Old pages are deleted or updated. How pages and sites link to each other also changes. Your competition is changing their strategy. Search engine indexes and search engine algorithms constantly evolve. Therefore, positions will always fluctuate.

SEO Myth: Your top ten search engine ranking can be guaranteed
Fact: Some SEO firms will advertise a "guarantee" to have you listed in the top ten rankings. Don't believe it. Credible, experienced, knowledgeable search engine optimizers can demonstrate results from past performance but cannot guarantee future results. In that sense, they're just like stockbrokers. No broker knows how future markets will perform, and no optimizer knows what future search engine algorithms will be. Make your decision from actual client successes which highlight a company's skill and expertise.

SEO Myth: Search engine optimization is not as effective as "traditional" marketing.
Fact: Search Engines can deliver highly motivated prospects directly to your website - visitors who have already demonstrated, through their use of particular keyphrases, an interest in your products or services. This is far more effective than the traditional push strategy of approaching prospective client directly.