
Expert Tips For Getting Hits On Your Website

By Gregory Smyth

Knowledge is power … and conversely, no knowledge means not much power! In terms of internet marketing, web analytics packages are the way that you can obtain knowledge about your customers, the way they search, and how they respond to what they find. Without a web analytics package, you could spend quite a few dollars and plenty of time on web marketing strategies that pay no dividends - and following that, if you don't know how to interpret your web analytics package data, or don't use the data, there has been more time wasted. Here we look at why you need a web analytics package, and what to do with all that precious information once you have gathered it.

Basically, a web analytics package allows you to see how visitors use your website. A website costs you money, and you need to be able to justify that spending by using it to attract paying customers. A web analytics package should identify information about your site, at a minimum, such as the number of hits you receive, both per individual website page and as a whole; the number of unique visitors that these hits represent, the top pages that visitors come to your website on, and the top ones that cause them to leave; your top referrers, which are the links that people use to get to your site; the search keywords people typed into a search engine to find you; information about where your visitors are located in the world and what browser they use; and some more advanced web analytics packages will show you graphical depiction of click paths, or a visual depiction of the route somebody took through the website. Then to assess your web marketing strategy, you can get a conversion rate, which tells you what percentage of visits/visitors did what you wanted them to, whether that is to buy something, to use your contact form or to sign up for something, for example.

If you are using tools form an online marketing agency, such as article distribution, article marketing, press release distribution or link building, your web analytics will help assess how these are working. You can see how many visitors to your site came through the link in the About the Author box of an article, or through a particular press release. You can also see which incoming links are working best for you, then decide whether to push your top hit-earners, or to focus on the paths which aren't earning you as many visitors at present.

In fact, the incoming links are the most revealing part of a web analysis tool for most companies. When you begin an online marketing campaign with an Asian web analytics or Bangkok digital marketing firm, the top companies will recommend you engage in article distribution and press release distribution. While you cannot see the value of all of the indexed links in the About the Author boxes that these create, you can certainly see the number of visitors to your site increase with your web analysis tool. These tools not only help you to see where you could be spending your web marketing strategy dollar more wisely, they quickly convince you that they are an essential part of life with a corporate website!