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10 Value-Metrics for Internet Marketing Services

It’s easy to demonstrate value from a new toaster or a more efficient television. With intangible services like search engine optimization, it becomes a little harder! Today we check out 10 metrics and methods you can use to assess the…

Best Practices for Form Design in Internet Marketing

By Gregory Smyth Much of web marketing strategy focuses on getting your prospects to the point of conversion – where they are filling out the form – and assumes that the rest will take care of itself. Actually, a fair…

How to Design Forms that Convert for Web Marketing Success

By Gregory Smyth Website designers and internet marketing services put a lot of time and effort into getting people to convert. A clever creative, compelling ad copy, ensuring that the product and marketing efforts are targeted, and search engine optimization…

Comparing Bang For Your Buck With Online Marketing Methods

By Gregory Smyth If anyone could definitely tell you which internet marketing method would always get more conversions and make more money per dollar spent, that person would be richer than Bill Gates! The answer to: “Which internet marketing method…

Personal Influence As An Online Marketing Tool

By Gregory Smyth Google’s method of ranking web pages has become one of the most commonly used products in the world, if not the product with the greatest penetration. While not fool proof, knowledge of Google’s systems and processes has…

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