Inetasia: PPC and Google Ads Agency in Taiwan
The amount of information that is available online is staggering, with an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created per day at the current rate. People go online to find answers to questions as mundane as “how to spell fuchsia”, to everyday things like “healthy restaurants in my area”, and to even serious life matters like “when is the right time to propose”. Because of this fact, businesses would be wise to ensure that their brands are not just present but – more importantly – easily seen online.
The enormous challenge, then, is how to make your site stand out among the 1.7 million websites online (as reported by Internet Live Stats). The solution to this lies in working with an effective PPC and Google ads agency.
Search Engines
Before understanding how PPC and Google ads can help with your online presence, you need to know how search engines work.
An Internet search engine or web search engine systematically browses the entire Web to get the specific answers or data that you’re looking for. The results appear in sets of lines on search engine result pages (SERPs), which are often hundreds or even more, depending on the popularity of the search query. Search engines employ their own algorithms in determining which webpages to show as well as how they’re arranged in the SERPs. The ultimate goal of search engines is to show the most relevant results at the top of their results so that users find the exact information they’re looking for in the most efficient manner.
This is why being in the top of the SERPs is highly coveted by businesses, practically in the same degree as a front-page newspaper ad space, a billboard along a busy highway, or a primetime TV commercial slot commanded as much value (at least, in the past decades). Getting to the top of the SERPs gives the best results for businesses, and an experienced Google Ads and PPC agency can help you get there.